Сб с 10 до 16
Издание на русском и английском языке.
Рассмотрены средства автоматизации расчетов с помощью электронных таблиц, а также программное обеспечение, которое используется для этого. Учебное пособие содержит подробное описание функций электронных таблиц и их применение на практике для решения широкого спектра инженерных, технических и экономических задач.
Учебное пособие предназначено для курсантов и студентов, изучающих дисциплину "Информационные технологии” и аналогичные, а также для осваивающих информационные технологии самостоятельно
Means of calculation automation in electronic spreadsheets and corresponding software are considered.
The text book contains detailed description of electronic spreadsheets functions and their practical application for wide spectrum in engineering, technical and economical tasks solution.
The text book is intended for cadets and students, which learn the subject "Information technologies" and the similar, and for those which learn information technologies individually as well.
1. Base definitions of electronic spreadsheets
1.1. General possibilities and properties of the electronic spreadsheets
1.2. Absolute and relative references and numeration systems in electronic spreadsheets
1.3. Example of complex task solution
1.4. Requirements to the laboratory works reports creation
2. Laboratory work №1. Linear computational processes
2.1. Main electronic spreadsheets mathematical functions and expressions
2.2. Variants of the tasks on laboratory work №1
3. Laboratory work № 2. Bifurcated computational processes and logical functions
3.1. Function IF (ЕСЛИ in Russian version)
3.2. Function AND (И in Russian version)
3.3. Function OR (ИЛИ in Russian version)
3.4. Variants of the tasks on laboratory work 2.1
3.5. Variants of the tasks on laboratory work 2.2
4. Laboratory work № 3. Practical tasks solution
4.1. Functions of the data arrays (matrix) processing
4.1.1. Function TRANSPOSE (ТРАНСП in Russian version)
4.1.2. Function MINVERSE (МОБР in Russian version)
4.1.3. Function MDETERM (МОПРЕД in Russian version)
4.1.4. Function MMULT (МУМНОЖ in Russian version)
4.2. Arithmetical and statistical functions
4.2.1. Function SUM (СУММ in Russian version)
4.2.2. Function AVERAGE (СРЗНАЧ in Russian version)
4.2.3. Function MAX (MAKC in Russian version)
4.2.4. Function SUMIF (СУММЕСЛИ in Russian version)
4.2.5. Function FV (БС or БЗ in Russian version)
4.2.6. Functions CEILING and FLOOR (OKPBBEPX and ОКРВНИЗ in Russian version)
4.2.7. Function ROUND (ОКРУГЛ in Russian version)
4.2.8. Functions ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN (ОКРУГЛВВЕРХ and ОКРУГЛВНИЗ in Russian version)
4.2.9. Function MOD (OCTAT in Russian version)
4.2.10. Function TRUNC (ОТБР in Russian version)
4.2.11. Function RAND (СЛЧИС in Russian version)
4.2.12. Function PI (ПИ in Russian version)
4.2.13. Function RADIANS (РАДИАНЫ in Russian version)
4.2.14. Function DEGREES (ГРАДУСЫ in Russian version)
4.2.15. Function SUMSQ (СУММКВ in Russian version)
4.2.16. Function DEVSQ (КВАДРОТКЛ in Russian version)
4.2.17. Function INT (ЦЕЛОЕ in Russian version)
4.2.18. Function CORREL (КОРРЕЛ in Russian version)
4.2.19. Function MIN (МИН in Russian version)
4.2.20. Function COUNTIF (СЧЁТЕСЛИ in Russian version)
4.2.21. Function COUNTBLANK (СЧИТАТЬПУСТОТЫ in Russian version)
4.3. Functions for the date and time determination
4.3.1. Function TODAY (СЕГОДНЯ in Russian version)
4.3.2. Function TDATA (ТДАТА in Russian version)
4.4. Functions of databases processing
4.4.1 Function DPRODUCT (БДПРОИЗВЕД in Russian version)
4.4.2. Function DSUM (БДСУММ in Russian version)
4.4.3. Functions DMAX and DMIN (ДМАКС and ДМИН in Russian version)
4.4.4. Function DAVERAGE (ДСРЗНАЧ in Russian version)
4.4.5. Function DCOUNT (БСЧЁТ in Russian version)
4.4.6. Function DGET ( БИЗВЛЕЧЬ in Russian version)
4.4.7. Function CONCATENATE (СЦЕПИТЬ in Russian version)
4.5. Variants of the tasks on laboratory work №3.1
4.6. Variants of the tasks for the laboratory work №3.2
5. Laboratory work № 4. Creation of diagrams and graphics of functions
5.1. Variants of the tasks for functions graphics creation
5.2. Variants of the tasks for diagram creation
6. Laboratory work №5. Macro creation in electronic spreadsheets
7. Error messages in electronic spreadsheets
Appendix 1. Corresponding and brief description of English and Russian named functions
Appendix 2. Corresponding and brief description of Russian and English named functions
Appendix 3. Corresponding between English, Russian and Turkish functions names
Appendix 4. Corresponding between Turkish, Russian and English functions names