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The Global Schooner. Origins, development, design and construction. 1695 -1845. Глобальная шхуна. Происхождение, разработка, проектирование и строительство. 1695 -1845

Артикул: 00-00003984
в желания В наличии
Автор: Karl Heinz Marquardt
Издательство: Conway maritime press (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Great Britain
ISBN: 978-0-85177-930-1
Год: 2003
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 240
Вес: 1178 г
3300 P
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Книга на английском языке.
In this new volume, Karl Heinz Marquardt presents the results of some twenty years of research into schooners and re-evaluates the longstanding perceptions about their origins and history. In doing so he answers the essential questions of genesis and, through his comprehensive exploration of the construction and fitting of a significant range of European, American and Australian schooner vessels, provides the first complete history of the development of the schooner.

1 The Origin of Schooners
How it began, The Birth of the Schooner, First seventy Years of Schooner Development in Europe and America
2 Yachts, Navy Sloops and Privateers
3 Coast Guards and Gunboats
4 Merchantmen and Slavers
5 Construction and Fitting
Keel, The loose or false keel, Counter keel, Deadwood, The stem, The sternpost, The wing-transom, Transoms, Counter timbers, The frames, Floor-timbers, The first or ground futtock, Futtocks, Frame, Cant-frames, Keelson, Counter keel, The stemson and sternson knee, Outside planking, Garboard-strake, Bottom planks, Planks of the floor-head, Side planks, The thick-stuff, Stealers, Wales, The varnish strakes or filling planks, Colour or paint strakes, Gunwale or gunnel, Drifts or drift pieces, Anchor lining, Sheathing, Inner planking, The clamps, Chines, Scuppers, The spirketting, Riders, Mast steps, Breast -hooks or fore hooks, The deck, Framework, Deck planking, Binding strakes, Partners or King planks, Mast collar and mast coat, Normal deck planks, Hatches or hatchways, Box hatches, Hatch covers, Grating, The companion, The hinged hatch, The companion light, Bits or bitts, Bowsprit steps, Chain-wales or channels, A head, Rails or head rails, Naval-hood, The rudder
6 Masting and Rigging
Masts and Spars, Masts , Mastheads, Mast hounds, Trees, Lower cap, Spreader, Bolster, Mast batten, Mast cap, Topmast and Topgallant mast, Fids, Tabernacle masts, Bowsprit, Jib boom, Bowsprit cap, Saddles, Martingale or dolphin striker, Yards, Gaffs, Boom, Spritsail yard, Lower yard, Topsail yard, Topgallant yard, Booms and additional spars, Gaff topsail spars
Standing Rigging, Bowsprit, Jib boom, Spritsail yard, Schooner mast, Crossjack yard, Topsail yard, Topgallant yard, Gaffs, Booms, Main mast, Schooner-stay, Topsail yard, Gaff-topsail, Running Rigging, Spritsail yard, Fore-stay yard, Jib, Outer jib, Spread-yard, Square-sail, Topsail, Topgallant sail, Gaff sail, Gaff-topsail, Studding sails, Save-all-topsail, Sail, Glossary
7 Armament and Furniture
Anchors and fittings, Cables, Buoy, Windlass, Cat-tackle, cat-head stopper, shank painter and voyal, Capstan, Pumps, Oars, Binnacle, Lantern, Galley, Ordnance, Swivel gun, Carriage guns, Carronade, Boats
Appendix 1: Timber dimensions 1768-1858
Specifications of oak timbers for light privateers (1768)
Specifications of oak timbers for merchantmen (1768)
Frame and plank dimensions for various merchant ships (1835)
Dimensions of main components for all kinds of ship (1856)
Continued over:
Appendix 2: Mast and spar dimensions 1735-1858
Mast and spar dimensions of the schooner St Ann (1735)
Dimensions of masts and spars for the schooner Sultana (1767)
French eighteenth-century schooner specifications
1. Schooner from Brest Harbour (1769)
2. Masting of other eighteenth-century schooners of 21m in length
The proportional dimensions in direct measurements Dimensions of masts and yards for a schooner of 110 tons (1794)
Table of masts and spars etc, for a US Navy schooner (1826)
Proportions for masts, yards, booms etc, of schooners (1829)
Tables in J Fincham's Treatise
Various proportions for the masting of schooners (1858)
Dimensions of masts and spars for brigantine and topsail schooner (1858)
Appendix 3: Rigging dimensions 1818-1864
Tables of the lengths and dimensions of the standing and running rigging, with the species, size and number of blocks, hearts, dead-eyes etc. (1818)
Standing rigging dimensions (1856)
Some linear measurements and weights as used in this book
A table showing the length and size of standing and running rigging for all classes of US Navy vessels (Extract: Schooner)
A table showing the size and description of the different blocks of all classes of US Navy vessels (Extract: Schooner)
Appendix 4: Furniture etc.
Anchor measurements for smaller vessels
Dimensions of oars for sloops, brigs, barges, lighters and ships' boats
Dimensions of oars and skulls for barges, wherries and skiffs
Building dimensions for boats
Mast and spar dimensions for boats

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