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RYA Advanced Sailing: Advanced Handbook RYA. Продвинутый парусный спорт: расширенное руководство

Артикул: 00-00000078
в желания В наличии
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-910017098
Год: 2019
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 132
Вес: 168 г
2200 P
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Издание на английском языке
Sailing is one of the most enjoyable and challenging sports in the world. It is a sport that everyone can take part in, whether eight or 80 years old, with boats for all abilities and budgets too.
The RYA National Sailing Scheme is the world’s leading small-boat sailing scheme, with over 80,000 people annually taking part in one of the many courses which make up this accessible and affordable training scheme.
RYA Advanced Sailing has been produced to accompany the advanced sailing modules within the RYA National Sailing Scheme and follows on from the first book in the series, RYA Start Sailing.
he RYA National Sailing Scheme training courses can be followed in a variety of boats, from dinghies to keelboats to multihulls, and, while some techniques and manoeuvres are generic, others are more boat-specific. This publication explains and helps you understand these advanced techniques.
Whatever your choice of boat you can be assured that, by following an RYA training course, you will be taking part in a tried and tested programme designed to help you maximise your progress and develop effective and safe sailing skills.
With over 750 RYA Recognised Training Centres worldwide you will have lots of places to choose from for training, all of which undergo a rigorous annual inspection to ensure that you undertake your training course in a safe and well-equipped venue under the guidance of trained and experienced RYA instructors.

1 Seamanship skills
2 Dealing with inversion capsizes
3 Day sailing
4 Sailing with spinnakers
5 Trapezing
6 Start racing
7 Performance sailing
8 The RYA national sailing scheme

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