Сб с 10 до 16
В пособии даны тексты, упражнения, задания и деловые игры для обучения профессиональному английскому языку курсантов радиотехнических факультетов и отделений, а также специалистов-радиотехников. В пособие включены образцы радиотелефонных переговоров и упражнения к ним.
Section I. The History of Marine Communications
§ 1. From Flag Signals ta Sattelite Communication
§ 2. Marine Radio Communication
Section II. Fundamentals of Radio
§ 3. Crystal Radio Set
§ 4. Transistors
Section III. Radio Navigational AIDS -C
§ 5. Radar
§ 6. Radio beacons
Section IV. Coast Radio Stations
§ 7. Coast Radio Stations
§ 8. Scheveningen Radio
Section V. Shipboard Radio Stations
§ 9. Shipboard Radio Stations
§ 10. Technical Requirements for Ship-to-Shore Communication
Section VI. Radio Station Documents
§ 11. Radio Station Documents
§ 12. Admiralty List of Radio Signals
Section VII. Radiotelephone Communication
§ 13. General Radiotelephone Procedure in the Maritime Mobile Service
§ 14. Radiotelephone Transmitting Technique
Section VIII. Distress
§ 15. Means of Calling for Help
§ 16. Distress Traffic
§ 17. Distress Signal, Call, Message, Acknowledgement
§ 18. Automatic Means of Calling for Help
Section IX. Satellite Communication
§ 20. Mobile Satcoms
Section X. A new Communication Service
§ 21. Telex
§ 22. Operating Procedure for Telex
Section XI. Computers at Your Service
§ 23. Modern Computer
§ 24. Computers at Sea
Section XII. Telegraph Radio Communication
§ 25. Types of Radiograms
§ 26. Composition of Service Radiograms
Section XIII. Safety Communication
§ 27. The Signals of Safety Communication
§ 28. Types of Navigational Warnings
Section XIV. Meteorology
§ 29. Weather Services to Seaman via Radio
§ 30. Information Required in Meteorological Messages
Appendix I. Phonetic Alphabet
Appendix II. Abbreviations Used in Radiograms
Appendix III. Vocabulary for Decoding Weather Messages
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