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Ships operating in polar waters. Руководство для судов, эксплуатирующихся в полярных водах. Резолюция А.1024(26)

Артикул: 00815298
в желания В наличии
Издательство: International Maritime Organization (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-92-801-1522-2
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 42
Вес: 53 г
1160 P
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Книга на английском языке
IMO is a technical organization established in 1958. Today, it has 169 Member States plus three Associate Members. Formal arrangements for cooperation and/or consultative status have been established with a large number of international organizations.
The Organization's chief task, especially in the early years, was to develop a comprehensive body of international conventions, codes and recommendations which could be implemented by all Member Governments. This international approach is essential, for the effectiveness of IMO measures depends upon how widely they are accepted and how they are implemented. The fact that the most important IMO conventions are now accepted by countries whose combined merchant fleets represent 98% of the world total indicates how successful this policy has been.

Resolution A.1024(26) (adopted on 2 December 2009)
Chapter 1 - General
Part A - Construction provisions
Chapter 2 - Structures
Chapter 3 - Subdivision and stability
Chapter 4 - Accommodation and escape measures
Chapter 5 - Directional control systems
Chapter 6 - Anchoring and towing arrangements
Chapter 7 - Main machinery
Chapter 8 - Auxiliary machinery systems
Chapter 9 - Electrical installations
Part В - Equipment
Chapter 10 - Fire safety
Chapter 11 - Life-saving appliances and survival arrangements
Chapter 12 - Navigational equipment
Part С - Operational
Chapter 13 - Operational arrangements
Chapter 14 - Crewing
Chapter 15 - Emergency equipment
Part D - Environmental protection and damage control
Chapter 16 - Environmental protection and damage control

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