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CD Admiralty digital & online catalogues (english version)

Артикул: 00813921
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The Admiralty Digital Catalogue provides a comprehensive and up to date reference in graphical and textual form of the range of Admiralty products and services, including Standard Navigational Charts and Publications, and the AVCS, ARCS and Admiralty ECDIS Services.

In addition to the standard products, the Admiralty Digital Catalogue now contains Temporary & Preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P NMs) and Data Assessment Notes.

The Catalogue features comprehensive search functionality by product type, scale or user defined route with weekly updates available online to keep you fully up to date.

T&P NMs contain information that is sufficiently significant to need to be communicated to the mariner but which is either too transient (e.g. works in this area for 8 weeks) for a standard NM or needs communicating too quickly to have completed the appropriate NM action (e.g. a new port operation that will require a New Edition to depict it properly).
T&P NM information is currently provided with reference to specific paper chart products however the information contained is relevant to the user of any chart products in the area covered.
The Admiralty Digital Catalogue simplifies the passage planning process by making the identification of T&P NMs relevant to the intended voyage quick and easy. The Catalogue allows T&P NMs to be displayed geographically, searched, viewed either individually or as a user-defined group, saved and printed.
Адмиралтейский Цифровой Каталог обеспечивает всестороннюю и современную ссылку в графической и текстовой форме диапазона продуктов Адмиралтейства и услуг, включая Стандартные Навигационные Диаграммы и Публикации.
В дополнение к стандартным продуктам Адмиралтейский Цифровой Каталог теперь содержит временные и предварительные уведомления морякам (T&P NMs) и оценку данных.
Каталог показывает всесторонние функциональные возможности поиска по типу продукта, масштаб что бы пользователь мог определить маршрут с еженедельными обновлениями, доступными онлайн, чтобы Вы имели обновляемую информацию.

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