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Tank cleaning guide. Руководство по очистке танков на танкерах

Артикул: 00813156
в желания В наличии
Автор: Burgmeijer F.J.A.
ISBN: 978-90-800904-3-9
Переплет: Твердый переплет
Страниц: 453
Вес: 644 г
14300 P
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Издание на английском языке
The facts and information you find here resulted from a joint study during the last few years on the problems of tankcleaning.
The study was the inevitable result of the stringent quality requirements laid down for the transportation of chemicals.
There will be no statement of sources. We intend publishing revised editions as and when new information becomes available.
Please note that our suggestions are merely a blueprint and should not overrule directions, sprung from local circumstances.
Information and recommendations contained in this publication have been compiled from reliable sources and reflect the best current opinions on the matter.
Chemical Laboratory "Dr. A. Verwey" does not guarantee, warrant or argue the definite correctness of any exposition in this edition, nor their adequacy.
Chemical Laboratory "Dr. A. Verwey" accepts no responsibility in this matter. Neither does any publication entitle anybody to a guarantee or representation, nor shall it be taken to be a warrant. It should not be imperative under normal, particular or exceptional conditions, situations and/or circumstances.
This Tankcleaning Guide was developed with respect to all operations on board of the tankvessel (loading, sailing and discharge), including cleaning, following the rules and recommendations as laid down in the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC-Code).
The products in this guide have been selected from the products listed in the IBC-Code.
All spaces and hyphens have been left out and prefixes have been put after the names so that the sequence of names is as alphabetical as possible.

I. Introduction
II. Tankcleaning in general
a) Precleaning
b) Cleaning
Cleaning from toxic substances to Edible Olis and Fats
c) Rinsing
d) Flushing
e) Steaming with Toluene
f) Draining
III. Cleaning charts
a) Use of charts
b) Containers and small tanks
c) Table 1 - Product Cleaning Chart
d) Table 2 - Cleaning Procedures list
e) Caution
IV. Product characteristics
V. To find-look up
VI. Test methods
a) Hydrocarbon Test for Methanol
b) Chloride Test
c) Permanganate Time Test
VII. Conversion formulae for specific gravity calculations
VIII. Notes

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