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Учебник английского языка для высших морских учебных заведений. I и II год обучения

Артикул: 00804319
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Автор: Йсаенко Э. Д., Шерешевская А. Д., Кроленко А. И., Довгалевская Н. А., Помигуев Г. П.
Издательство: Кронверк-Принт (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Санкт-Петербург
Серия: Учебник для ВУЗов (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 5-86715-003-8
Тираж: 5000 экз.
Год: 1993
Формат: 60x84/16
Переплет: Твердый переплет
Страниц: 472
Вес: 722 г
1320 P
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Учебник предназначен для обучения на первых двух курсах высших морских учебных заведений, рассчитан приблизительно на 250 часов аудиторной работы и имеет своей целью сформировать в соответствии с требованиями действующих в таких учебных заведениях программ навыки активного использования языкового материала в устной и письменной речи, а также навыки перевода в пределах бытовой и морской тематики.

1. Методическая записка к учебнику
2. Unit I. About Myself. The verb to be. The Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tenses
3. Unit II. Our Country. The verb to have. There is, there are. Some, any, no
4. Unit III. Marine College. The Present Indefinite Tense
5. Unit IV. Thomas is Doing his Homework. The Present Continuous Tense
6. Unit V. Admiral Makarov. The Past Indefinite Tense
7. Unit VI. They are Worried about their Weather. Impersonal it. The Degress of Comparison. The Future Indefinite Tense
8. Unit VII. The Climate of Tomorrow. The Present Indefinite Tense instead of the Future. Participle I
9. Unit VIII. Let us See London. The Passive Voice. The Present, Past and Future Indefinite Tenses. Difficulties of the Passive Voice
10. Unit IX. Getting about Town. The Modal Verbs
11. Unit X. American Cities. Equivalents of the Modal Verbs
12. Unit XI. My First Voyage. The Past and Future Continuous Tenses
13. Unit XII. The English Channel. The Present Perfect Tense
14. Unit XIII. The Panama Canal. The Past and Future Perfect Tenses
15. Unit XIV. London Hit by Severe Floods. The Perfect Continuous Tenses
16. Unit XV. The "Areopagus". Revision: The Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Tenses
17. Unit XVI. Arrival at Singapore. Revision: must, had to, Participle I
18. Unit XVII. The Crew and their Duties. Revision: The Passive Voice. Can with the Pasive Voice
19. Unit XVIII. Sea Ports and Types of Ships Revision: The Passive Voice
20. Unit XIX. On Studying Foreign Languages. The Sequence of Tenses. Direct and Indirect Speech
21. Unit XX. Citizen Diplomacy. If Clauses
22. Unit XXI. Polar Exploration. The Arctic. The Participles
23. Unit XXII. Polar Exploration. The Antarctic. The Gerund
24. Unit XXIII. Nautical Education in Great Britain. The Infinitive
25. Unit XXIV. Training Personnel for the Russian. Merchant Marine. The Infinitive Constructions
26. Unit XXV. Merchant Navy in World War II. Revision: The Participles. Reported Speech. If Clauses
27. Unit XXVI. INMARSAT at Work. Revision: The Infinitive
28. Unit XXVII. Marine Pollution. Attributive Clauses. Clauses of Time and Cause
29. Unit XXVIII. Safety at Sea. Revision: The Past Continuous Tense. For + Noun + the Infinitive. Should
30. Grammar reference section
31. Vocabulary
32. Assignments
33. Bibliography

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