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Operating manual for Kasawaki MAN L52/55A Diesel Engine

Артикул: 00556332
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Japan
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 281
Вес: 704 г
1700 P
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M.A.N. Diesel engines are the result of decades of systematic research and development work. They will meet all service requirements at any time to the full satisfaction of the owner, provided they arc properly serviced. Timely execution of the specified mainienance work will ensure efficient operation and long life. The OPERATING MANUAL Is intended to help achieve this object.
The Operating Manual contains all necessary information for planned maintenance as well as for the general overhaul of the Diesel engine and should therefore be placed in the hands of the operating personnel. A thorough study and repeated reading to commit the instructions to memory will enable the personnel to gain complete understanding of the engine. With this knowledge the personnel will be in the position to run the engine properly, recognize possible irregularities at an early stage and rectify them before serious damage occurs.
Proper maintenance and overhaul of the Diesel engine definitely require skilled personnel, it is understood that the personnel assigned to this work has had the necessary training and no further mention will be made of it in this operating manual. We shall not entertain any guarantee claims based on a lack of particular instructions In this manual In the event of damage caused by faulty handling.
Individual parts of the Diesel engine may be altered due to technological development without corresponding changes being made In this operating manual. The text and all data apply of the time of going to print.
Letters and enquiries relating to the Diesel engine should include the type and serial number
which will be found on the name plate.

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