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Деловые переговоры на английском языке для судоводителей. Business Talks for Deck Officers

Артикул: 00000527
в желания В наличии
Автор: Дубнер Г.Я.
Издательство: Мортехинформреклама (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Москва
Год: 1985
Формат: 60х90 1/16
Переплет: Твердый переплет
Страниц: 176
Вес: 297 г
730 P
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Методические рекомендации предназначены для судоводителей-слушателей трехгодичных курсов иностранных языков при учебно-курсовых комбинатах морских пароходств.
Они составлены в соответствии с действующей типовой программой и экзаменационными требованиями по английскому языку для слушателей III курса указанных курсов.

Lesson 1. Arrival at a foreign port
Unit 1. Prior to the arrival
Unit 2. Taking a pilot aboard
Unit 3. Customs and immigration formalities
Unit 4. Health officer’s examination
Unit 5. Formalities for passengers
Lesson 2. Damage to cargo
Unit 1. Disputing responsibility for damage
Unit 2. Disputing responsibility for damage (continued)
Unit 3. Who is to blame for the damage
Unit 4. Who is to blame for the damage (continued)
Unit 5. Master and Agent on current matters
Unit 6. Master and Agent on current matters (continued)
Unit 7. Complaints brought about by careless handling
Unit 8. Complaints brought about by careless handling (continued)
Lesson 3. Master’s claims
Unit 1. Cases of pilferage (to be continued)
Unit 2. Cases of pilferage (continued)
Unit 3. Short-landed cargo (on Customs matters)
Unit 4. Ship wrongly accused of the sea pollution
Unit 5. Ship wrongly accused of the sea pollution (continued)
Unit 6. Disputing the quantity of the water supply
Unit 7. Disputing the quantity of the water supply (continued)
Lesson 4. Dead freight. General average
Unit 1. Discussing dead freight issue
Unit 2. Discussing dead freight issue (continued)
Unit 3. Discussing general average
Unit 4. Discussing general average (continued)
Lesson 5. Laytime, despatch calculation
Unit 1. Dispute over despatch calculation
Unit 2. Dispute over despatch calculation (continued)
Unit 3. Laytime dispute arising from congestion and shifting
Unit 4. Laytime dispute arising from congestion and shifting (continued)
Lesson 6. Claims, complaints in connection with payment
Unit 1. Controversial items in the disbursement account and other issues
Unit 2. Controversial items in the disbursement account and other issues (continued)
Unit 3. Alleged double payment
Unit 4. Alleged double payment (continued)
Lesson 7. Legal proceedings
Unit 1. Hearing to be held on container and cargo damage
Unit 2. Hearing to be held on container and cargo damage (continued)
Unit 3. Abnormal steering control leads to a collision. Consulting a lawyer before court hearing
Unit 4. Abnormal steering control leads to a collision. Consulting a lawyer before court hearing (continued)
Unit 5. Before hearing
Unit 6. Before hearing (continued)
Unit 7. Collision hearing at court
Unit 8. Collision hearing at court (continued)
Lesson 8. On insurance matters
Unit 1. On insurance matters
Unit 2. On insurance matters (continued)
Lesson 9. VHF communication
Unit 1. Crossing fog area
Unit 2. VHF in ice operation
Unit 3. Arranging for an emergency call through VHF
Unit 4. Communication through VHF. Various occurences
Lesson 10. Communication through VHF. Marine casualties
Unit 1. Stubborn blaze. Arranging salvage through VHF
Unit 2. Salvaging the burning vessel. Helicopter in use
Unit 3. VHF in an unusual rescue operation
Unit 4. VHF in rescue operations
Lesson 11. Passenger service
Unit 1. Embarking a passenger liner
Unit 2. Embarking a passenger liner (continued)
Unit 3. Safety at sea for the passengers
Unit 4. Safety at sea for the passengers (continued)
Unit 5. Getting acquainted with the cruise liner
Unit 6. Getting acquianted with the cruise liner (continuedi)
Unit 7. On a passenger liner
Unit 8. On a passenger liner (continued)

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