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RYA Sail Cruising & Yachtmaster Scheme - Syllabus & Logbook/Учебный план яхтенного путешествия и судовой журнал

Артикул: 00455645
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Автор: Simon Jinks
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-1-905104-98-7
Год: 2013
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 96
Вес: 374 г
1300 P
С этим товаром покупают

Издание на английском языке
Whether you are a newcomer to boating or simply need to brush up on a few skills, there is a course for you. The navigation courses come in four levels.
You don't need to start at the beginning if you already have some experience - just pick the level that suits you.
Before taking the Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper courses on the water it is always advisable to take the equivalent shorebased navigation course. The subject is too complex to be covered in sufficient detail on board the boat, so your best preparation is to take a shorebased course and then put the skills into practice on the water.

RYA Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme Structure
Introduction to RYA Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster Scheme
RYA Practical Courses
Explanation of and the syllabus for
Start Yachting
Competent Crew
Watch Leader
Day Skipper Tidal
Day Skipper Non-Tidal
Coastal Skipper Tidal
Coastal Skipper Non-Tidal
Personal Log
RYA/MCA Examination and Certificates of Competence
An explanation of the Yachtmaster Coastal, Yachtmaster Offshore and Yachtmaster Ocean Schemes, exam structure and syllabi
RYA Shorebased Courses
Navigation and seamanship theory courses
Basic Navigation and Safety
Day Skipper
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore
Yachtmaster Ocean
First Aid
Contains all the usual first aid topics relating them specifically to on-the-water scenarios
VHF Radio Operator
Course and assessment for marine VHF radio operator's licence
Diesel Engine Course
A beginner's course in preventative maintenance and minor repairs
RYA/MCA Basic Sea Survival Course
Essential theory about survival techniques and practical experience in the water with liferafts
Radar Course
An introduction to the basic principles of marine radar as a safety and navigation aid
Recorded Achievement

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