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RYA Powerboat Instructor's Handbook/Руководство инструктора по моторным лодкам RYA

Артикул: 00455643
в желания В наличии
Автор: Colin R., Clive G.
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 9781905104673
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 176
Вес: 444 г
1600 P
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Издание на английском языке
The RYA Powerboat Scheme is recognised as the most successful small boat training scheme in the world. It caters for novices and amateurs, through to professional operators wishing to use their RYA qualification commercially.
This book is an invaluable companion for new and experienced instructors alike. It covers methods of instruction, learning styles, who can teach the scheme and where. Throughout the book you will find Top Tips on making your task as an instructor much easier and more enjoyable.
At the back of the book you will find a CD with useful teaching resources and short video clips to enhance your course presentation.
I hope that this book proves of value and that upon successful completion of your training I will be able to welcome you as an RYA Powerboat Instructor.

Rya code of ethics
Section 1. Rya organisation
RYA Training Centres
RYA Training Centre Recognition
Section 2. Rya powerboat instructor
Becoming a Powerboat Instructor
Instructor Training
Instructor Certificate Endorsements
The RVA Powerboat Scheme
Supervision Levels and Teaching Ratios
The RYA Personal Watercraft Scheme
Powerboat / Personal Watercraft Checklist
Own Boat Tuition
Who Teaches What?
Section З. Methods of instruction
Instructor Qualities
Communication Skills
Senses and Learning
Body Language and Non-Verbal Communications
Briefing and Debriefing
Giving Feedback
Receiving Feedback
The Feedback Form
Learning Styles
Presentation Technigues
The Instructor and Making the Right Impression
The Learning Experience
How and Why do People Learn?
Barriers to Learning
Types of Presentation
Presentation Planning
Three Step Plan
Structure Questions
Visual Aids
Developing a Presentation or Lesson Plan
Section 4. The powerboating method
Teaching Start Powerboating (Level 1)
Teaching the National Powerboat Certificate (Level 2)
Teaching the Intermediate Powerboat Courses
Teaching the Advanced Powerboat Course
The Advanced Powerboat Exam
PWC Instructor
Advanced Instructor Training
Instructor Course Moderation
Powerooat Trainer Training
Instructor Certificates, Recommendations and Awards
Section 5. Instructor log
Appendix 1 - Child protection
Appendix 2 - Appeals procedure
Appendix 3 - Resources and references
Appendix 4 - Equal opportunity (rya training statement)
Appendix 5 - Powerboating and the environment

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