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RYA Navigation Exercises 2nd Edition. Навигационные упражнения

Артикул: 00455642
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Автор: Chris Slade
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 9781905104185
Страниц: 200
Вес: 504 г
3960 P
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Every year tens of thousands of yachtsmen and power boaters learn navigation and seamanship through attending RYA courses. The shorebased courses cover a wide variety of subjects which are easier taught ashore before going afloat and putting them into practice.
These navigation exercises have been written for students on the Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster courses who would like to hone their skills as they work through the course. These exercises also provide a great opportunity for experienced boaters to refresh skills they may not have used for some time.
In order to try and provide a wide variety of symbols, navigational environments and scenarios the RYA has created a series of fictitious charts around which these exercises are based. This means that we have been able to provide many symbols, geographical anomalies and characteristics in just two charts rather than the many dozens that might otherwise be needed to achieve the same variety.
Students are therefore able to get a realistic view of the many navigational challenges they may face in different parts of the world.
With the ever-increasing use of various different types of electronic navigational equipment it is absolutely essential that both recreational and professional operators of vessels of all types learn and maintain the essential skills of navigation. The art of combining modern navigational tools with the core navigational skills taught in RYA shorebased courses is one that is essential to ensure the safety of all who go to sea.
The author of these exercises also compiles many of the RYA assessment papers so you can be confident that they represent the RYA standard.

1. Seamanship & Environment
2. Charts, Publications and Symbols
3. Compass and Position Fixing
5. Safety
6. Buoyage and Lights
7. Tidal Streams
8. Tidal Heights
9. Chartwork Position
10. Course to Steer
11. Instrumentation
12. Pilotage
13. Meteorology
14. Passage Planning

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