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Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail & Power


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Артикул: 00455633
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Adlard Coles Nautical (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Год: 2015
Вес: 415 г
Вариант исполнения:
  • Год: 2015
    Количество страниц: 106
    ISBN: 978-1-4081-7810-2
  • Год: 2019
    Количество страниц: 103
    ISBN: 978-1-4729-4940-0
С этим товаром покупают

This companion volume to Yachtmaster for Sail and Power, by the same author, provides further navigation practice for anyone studying the RYA Yachtmaster syllabus, as well as Day Skipper candidates. It is packed with practice questions and test papers, and comes with a free practice chart which, together with extracts from tide tables, almanacs and pilotage notes, enables students to work on real sailing scenarios and plot their own courses without the need for any other material.

Completely updated and redesigned for this third edition, this is an invaluable textbook and exam revision guide for anyone studying for the RYA exams or simply brushing up on their navigation skills.

1 Charts
2 Compass
3 Position Fixing
4 Buoys, Lights and Lighthouses
5 Tidal Heights
6 Tidal Streams
7 Course to Steer
8 Dead Reckoning and Estimated Position
9 Instrumentation and GPS
10 Pilotage
11 Collision Regulations
12 Meteorology
13 Safety and Communications
14 Planning and Making Passages
Chartwork Test Papers
15 Test Paper 1
16 Test Paper 2
Answers (sections 1 to 14 and Test Papers 1 and 2)
1 Tides: Dover, May to August
2 Tides: Dover, September to December
3&4 Tidal Streams - based on HW Dover
5 Tides: St Helier
6 Port Information: St Helier
7 Tidal Curves: St Helier
8 Tidal Curves: Cherbourg
9 Tides: Cherbourg
10 Tides: St Malo
11 Tidal Curves: St Malo
12 Port Information: St Malo
13 Port Information: St Peter Port
14 Port Information: Granville and lies Chausey
15 Port Information: Di?lette
16 Deviation Curve
17 Tidal Differences on Cherbourg-Barfleur

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