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RYA Race Training Exercises. Тренировочные упражнения для парусных гонок

Артикул: 00455629
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Автор: Alan Olive and Harvey Hillary
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: England
ISBN: 9781906435615
Год: 2009
Страниц: 80
Вес: 189 г
1320 P
С этим товаром покупают

The RYA Race Training Exercises booklet looks at the latest exercises designed to enhance racing skills.
It offers a range of exercises drills and games that have been developed by a huge range of coaches. This handbook is therefore a must for any Racing Coach who is looking for new and exciting exercises to use in their coaching sessions.
This book is split into three sections to cover all the different aspects of coaching and is consequently an ideal resource, whether it is being used by individual coaches or as a club reference book.

Part 1-Best Practice for Coaching
5 steps to success 3
How to use the manual 4
Effective Coaching tips 5
Controlling Groups 6
Hand signals 7
Setting Courses 8
Time filler exercises 9
Part 2- Specific Training Exercises
Boat Handling 10
Slow Speed Control 23
Acceleration 27
Line Starts 31
Sailing to windward 45
Mark Rounding 51
Lay lines 54
Downwind Training 58
Tactical Exercises 61
Part 3 General Training
Mixed Ability Groups 69
Boredom Beaters 72
Self Training 77

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