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The Adlard Coles Book of Navigation

Артикул: 00455609
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Автор: Tim Bartlett
Издательство: Adlard Coles Nautical (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-0-7136-8939-6
Год: 2008
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 170
Вес: 658 г
1920 P
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Издание на английском языке.
Bill Anderson, in his Foreword to the original incarnation of this book as The RYA Book of Navigation, wrote 'The technology of navigation is under-going considerable change at the moment.' He was dead right.
Already, we have seen the demise of three of the electronic navigation systems that were described in the first edition, published eleven years ago. Position fixes from the Global Positioning System (GPS), on the other hand, are nearly ten times more accurate than they were then, because the American government has removed the deliberate errors that were originally used to degrade the accuracy available to civilian users. Satellite-based differential systems promise even greater accuracy in the not too distant future, and it is quite likely that a European version of GPS will be operational within the next few years.
At the same time, the cost of electronic navigation equipment has fallen, and the level of sophistication available has risen. Chart plotters, in particular, have developed from being little more than toys to the stage at which they really can be regarded as serious navigational tools, with potentially life-saving advantages.
Despite these technological changes, of course, traditional navigation techniques survive. They may be less important now than they once were, but they are still available as backups to modern technology, and as a means of understanding or cross-checking the information available from the electronics... or even as an interest in their own right, that can be just as consuming and rewarding as boatbuilding, sail trim, or the racing rules.

На русский язык переведена книга этого автора VHF. УКВ-связь на море. Курс радиооператора SRC GMDSS.

Foreword by the author
Foreword by Bill Anderson
1. Charts and the Real World
Latitude and longitude
2. Measuring Direction and Distance
Measuring distance at sea
Measuring distance on the chart
Measuring direction at sea
Measuring direction on the chart
3. Electronic Navigation Equipment
Echo sounders
Waypoint navigation
Basic navigation functions
Chart plotters
4. Position Fixing
Compass bearings
Postion lines by range
Position lines by depth
Mixed fixes
Running fixes
The simplest fix of all
5. Tides
The causes of tide
Tide levels and datums
Tide tables
Tidal height examples
Finding the height required
The effect of weather
Rule of twelfths
Tidal anomalies
Tidal streams
Tidal stream atlases
Tidal stream example
6. Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals
The range of a ligh
Buoys and beacons
Fog signals
7. Estimating Position and Shaping a Course
Allowing for wind
Allowing for tidal streams
Chartwork examples
Shaping a course
8. Radar
How radar works
Basic operation
Interpreting the picture
Navigating by radar
Radar for collision avoidance
9. Pilotage
Leading lines
Clearing lines
Sectored lights
Head-up radar
North-up radar
Harbour regulations and byelaws
Planning pilotage
Pilotage in practice
10. Passage-making
Cruise planning factors
Navigation on passage - traditional methods under sail/at low speed
Navigation on passage - traditional methods at high speed
Using electronics
Getting lost, and 'finding yourself
Do I need to navigate?

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