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RYA Personal LogBook

Артикул: 00455548
в желания В наличии
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 128
Вес: 747 г
2310 P
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RYA Personal Log Book
This personal logbook is perfect for all boaters who voyage on a number of boats. Within it, there is space to record the distance of journeys, the maximum wind strength and the capacity in which the voyage was sailed.

One of the great pleasures of sailing comes in re-reading your old logbooks. Opened at random you are transported back to a particular cruise or race with all its highs and lows and sights and smells, whether it was a short passage along the coast or an ocean voyage.
This logbook is aimed at those who sail on a variety of different yachts, joining friends for cruises and races, chartering in the UK and abroad, or working on different vessels around the world.
Memories are precious, and it is hoped that as well as the dry facts of distance logged and night hours sailed the owner of this RYA Personal Logbook will record enough detail to bring back to life the flavour of each trip.
It is also a record that can be used as evidence of your experience as you work towards your various RYA qualifications.
The main body of the book should allow enough flexibility to enable the user to write what they consider worth recording while providing sufficient structure that the essentials are noted.
Other sections have been included that will help make the logbook a valuable reference for future years.

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