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The River Thames Book 7th edition Книга о реке Темзе. Руководство для судоводителей

  • The River Thames Book 7th edition Книга о реке Темзе. Руководство для судоводителей
Артикул: 00455536
в желания В наличии
Автор: Chris Cove-Smith
Издательство: Imray (все книги издательства)
Место издания: England
ISBN: 978-184623-715-7
Год: 2016
Переплет: Мягкая обложка на пружине
Страниц: 236
Вес: 546 г
1778 P
С этим товаром покупают

This, the seventh issue of The River Thames Book celebrates its twentieth anniversary; another edition attempting to bring all that is on the Thames and our adjacent waterways up to date. In this task we have had to explore 160-odd miles of the river from the Thames Barrier to Cricklade and the 84 miles of tributaries that the book covers. Our helpers this time have included the publishers’ staff under the editorial guidance of Elinor Cole and my own feeders of information, friends Ralph Tompkin and Brian Butcher from the lock-keeping profession and Danny Adams of Salters Steamers representing the passenger boat users. Dieter Jebens and Roger Cansdale provided more than useful information on the Basingstoke Canal and Mark Walker cast an eye on our revision of the section on the Wey and Godalming Navigation. I am also grateful for the further help from Mike Wyatt and Rob Dean of the Kennett and Avon Canal Trust and Peter Finch, Chairman of the River Thames Society.
The British Marine Federation Thames Valley (BMTV) was consulted for details of firms originally members of the Thames Boat Trades Association and the Passenger Boat Association, now part of BMTV. Representing Thames users were the Association of Thames Yacht Clubs, the River Users Groups and our hard-working ads rep, Owen Bryant.
To the steadily growing number of advertisers we can again say a big thank you for your support in contributing to this book.

The River Thames Society
River Thames
1. The Tideway to Teddington from the Thames Barrier
2. Richmond to Hampton
British Marine Federation Thames Valley
3. Sunbury to Staines
4. Runnymede to Maidenhead
5. Maidenhead to Marlow
6. Temple to Henley
7. Reading - Wargrave to Mapledurham, including the River Kennet from its mouth to High Bridge
8. Whitchurch to Wallingford
Passenger Boat Association
9. Wallingford and Abingdon
10. Oxford - Radley to Binsey
11. Binsey to Newbridge
12. Newbridge to Lechlade and Cricklade
Rowing and canoeing on the Thames
Environment Agency - South East region
Connecting waterways
13. River Wey and Godalming Navigations
River Users'Groups
The Basingstoke Canal - Byfleet to Greywell Tunnel
15. The Kennet & Avon Canal - Reading to Great Bedwyn
Useful addresses
BMF Thames Valley
Association of Thames Yacht Clubs

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