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Torres Strait Passage Guide. Путеводитель по проливу Торреса

Артикул: 00455449
в желания В наличии
Автор: Ken Hellewell
Издательство: Cevennes Productions (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 0-9727492-0-9
Год: 2003
Переплет: Мягкая обложка на пружине
Страниц: 44
Вес: 107 г
2450 P
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Издание на английском языке.
For sailors making their way from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, the route up and around the Great Barrier Reef is both long and treacherous. The passage through the Torres Strait is no easier. It is strewn with islands, reefs and monstrous currents. The author rediscovered an ancient reef entry and charted a direct route through the reef and the Torres Strait Islands. The guide includes numerous, charts, waypoints and anchorages, making the the passage a safer, shorter and even pleasant excusion. Included are port proceedures, local information and interesting details. The author has included charts and waypoints for the traditional route around the reef for those not interested in sailing through the reef. If you are considering transiting the Torres Strait or just interested in the area, this book is a must.

Table of Contents
Torres Strait
Coast Watch
Port Procedures
Thursday Island & Horn Island
Raine Island
Raine Island Route
Chartlet #1
Chartlet #2
Chartlet #3
Chartlet #4
Chartlet #5
Chartlet #6
Chartlet #7
Chartlet #8
Chartlet #9
(Topaz) Reef Anchorage
Collette Reef Anchorage
(Shives) Reef Anchorage
Wyborn Reef Anchorage
York Island Anchorage
Bramble Cay Route
Chartlet #1
Chartlet #2
Chartlet #3
Chartlet #4
Chartlet #5
Chartlet #6
Chartlet #7
Chartlet #8
Chartlet #9
Chartlet #10
Thursday Island Area
Chartlet #1
Chartlet #2
Chartlet #3
Chartlet #4
Chartlet #5
Chartlet #6
Chartlet #7

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