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Chile - Arica Desert to Tierra del Fuego

Артикул: 00455429
в желания В наличии
Автор: Andrew O'Grady
Издательство: Imray (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 0-85288-721-3
Год: 2004
Формат: А4
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 208
Вес: 878 г
4650 P
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Revised by Andrew O'Grady from original material by Ian and Maggy Staples.
This guide to Chile covers the coasts from Arica in the inhospitable desert in the north to the glacial fjords of Cape Horn in the south. Chile's vast coastline offers the complete range of scenery and is one that is only just beginning to be discovered as a cruising ground. This guide offers detailed sailing directions for almost all the important harbours and anchorages, many of which are documented here for the first time. The detailed text is supported by sketch plans and colour plates.
The information in this guide was collected by members of the Royal Cruising Club, Ocean Cruising Club and other yachtsmen and was first edited by Oz Robinson. Andrew O'Grady took on the compilation of this second edition having visited Chile in 2001 and his additions build on the original work. It contains a significant amount of new information on areas not covered in detail in the first edition. Maggy Staples' hand drawn plans have been revised and include additional material by UI la Norlander.
Chile is the only modern pilot book available in English. In the six years since it was first published, it has made a name for itself as an essential work in the library of yachts bound for one of the most exciting cruising areas in the world.


The RCC Pilotage Foundation
Chile - an overview
Cruising in Chile
Radio communications
Hydrographic information
Ship's stores and equipment
Search and rescue
Additional notes on cruising in S Chile
Using this guide
1. Arica to Canal Chacao
2. Seno Reloncavi, Golfo de Ancud and Golfo Corcovado
3. S shore of Golfo Corcovado to Laguna San Rafael
4. Isla Chaffers to Golfo de Penas
5. Golfo de Penas to Puerto Simpson
6. Puerto Eden to Canal Sarmiento
7. Canal Sarmiento to Puerto Natales and to Islote Fairway
8. Estrecho de Magallanes, Tamar to Dungeness
9. Cabo Froward to Brazo Noroeste
10. Brazo Noroeste to Cape Horn and Isla de los Estados
11. Isla de Pascua and Islas Juan Fernandez
A. Direction Finding stations
B. Short wave broadcasting
C. Bibliography
D. Chart lists
E. Glossary
F. Names of contributors
G. Lights on the northern coastline
H. Conversion list for Chilean chart numbers

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