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South Biscay Южный Бискай (7-е издание)

Артикул: 00455424
в желания В наличии
Автор: Steve Pickard
Издательство: Imray (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 9781846233753
Год: 2012
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 222
Вес: 1155 г
5544 P
С этим товаром покупают

The South Biscay Pilot was first published in 1971 and was one of many titles given to the Pilotage foundation by the late Robin Brandon. In 2000 John Lawson used his considerable practical experience to build on the work of his predecessors to produce the fifth edition; his sixth edition followed in 2006.
The Pilotage Foundation is now grateful to Steve Pickard who took over the task of compiling recent supplements and has now prepared this seventh edition. To author any pilot book is a long and arduous task, in both reconnaissance and in writing; this is particularly so for these waters. Steve sailed them extensively during his updating. His numerous photographs from sea and land combine with those from the air by Patrick Roach to illustrate this work well.
The long coastline lying downwind of the Bay of Biscay and subject to swell, storm and fog, may not appeal to everyone. However, with modern boats, the availability of effective weather forecasts, along with the improving facilities many more yachtsmen are now exploring the area during the summer months. Those considering a cruise there may be inspired by the Author’s Preface.
South Biscay is part of our family of pilot books which are supported by Passage Planning Guides on www.rccpf.org.uk. Please visit our website and send us your feedback on South Biscay and other areas.

Foreword vii
Preface vii
List of Ports ix
Cruising on the Atlantic coast of France and Spain Technical and navigational information
I. Atlantic France
La Gironde to Hendaye
Planning guide
La Gironde
Bassin d’Arcachon
French Basque ports
II. Pais Vasco
Pasajes to Bilbao
Planning guide
Pasajes to Elanchove
Mundaca to Bilbao
III. Cantabria
Castro Urdiales to Rabia
Planning guide
Castro Urdiales to Santander
Planning guide
Rio de San Pedro del Mar to Rabia
IV. Asturias
San Vicente de la Barquera to Ribadeo
Planning guide
San Vicente de la Barquera to Luanco
Ensenada de Lumeres to Ribadeo
Planning guide
V. Galicia
Rinlo to Bares
Rinlo to Barquero
Espasante to A Coruna
Planning guide
1. List of lights
2. Waypoints
3. Charts
4. Glossary
5. Useful Spanish/English

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