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Cuba: A Cruising Guide/Куба: яхтенный путеводитель

Артикул: 00455327
в желания В наличии
Автор: Nigel Calder
Издательство: Imray (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-85288-413-3
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 264
Вес: 1017 г
4290 P
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Книга на английском языке
Для владеющих русским рекомендуем Лоция Карибского моря.
This book is the product of several years of intermittent planning, followed by six weeks in the Marina Hemingway, Havana (spent negotiating with Cuban officials, collecting information, getting to know some of the people, and studying Cuban politics and the Cuban economy).

1. Background information
2. Information for the navigator
3. Passage-making to Cuba; the Marina Hemingway and Havana
4. Marina Hemingway to Cabo San Antonio and the western capes
5. Cabo Frances to Casilda, including the Golfo de Batabano
6. Golfo de Ana Maria and Golfo de Guacanayabo south to Cabo Cruz
7. Cabo Cruz to Punta Maisi
8. Punta Maisi to Punta Maternillos
9. Punta Maternillos to Cayo Bahia de Cadiz
10. Cayo Bahia de Cadiz to the Marina Hemingway
Key terms used on the ICH charts

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