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RYA Pocket Guide to Fishing Knots. Карманный справочник по рыболовным узлам

Артикул: 00455287
в желания В наличии
Автор: Jim O'Donnell
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-906435-37-0
Год: 2009
Переплет: Мягкая обложка на пружине
Страниц: 32
Вес: 120 г
1040 P
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Издание на английском языке.
Learning to Sail is the ideal guide for new sailors. It is also valuable as a backup to sailing courses and useful as a refresher course on the basics. Lively color photographs and clear diagrams highlight expert instruction on topics that range from the various parts of a boat to advanced knots, reading charts and navigation.

Knots for joining line to line (and leaders)
Uni to Uni Knot
Water Knot
Shocker Knot
Spider Hitch
Bimini Twist
Figure of Eight Knot
Knots for securing terminal tackle
Tucked Half Blood Knot
Palomar Knot
Centauri Knot
Rapala Knot
Double Improved Clinch Knot
Crimping Wire
Grinner Knot
Dropper and loop knots
Dropper Loop
End Loop Knot
Dropper Knot
Surgeon’s Loop
Miscellaneous Knots
Stopper Knot
Arbor Knot

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