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RYA An Introduction to Radar

Артикул: 00455280
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Автор: Tim Bartlett &jon Mendez & Robert Avis
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 9781905104109
Страниц: 36
Вес: 92 г
1380 P
С этим товаром покупают

This booklet gives a basic introduction to the subject of small-craft radar, or acts as an aide-memoir for those who have studied the subject. As with the Radar Afloat, it is written by Tim Bartlett, but here working to a quite different brief.
This 31-page booklet covers the main subject-matter of the RYA one day course, but is designed to be used along with additional training. As such, it is a useful companion for those purchasing the Radar Simulator and Plotting Tutorial, where the compact descriptions in the book can be explored in much greater detail in the software.

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