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RYA Safety Boat Handbook+DVD. Руководство по безопасности лодки

Артикул: 00455273
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Автор: Pete Galvin
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-905104-38-3
Год: 2007
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 68
Вес: 246 г
1300 P
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Издание на английском языке.
RYA courses teach self reliance. Sailors and powerboaters should take to the. water with the intention of returning without assistance. However for sailing schools, beginners, children, and during races it is important that there is safety cover provided by a powerboat.
It is equally important that the helmsmen of these safety boats are knowledgeable and trained. At an RYA recognised centre or affiliated club competitors or trainees can expect a competent safety boat coxswain who will have positioned the safety boat in the right place, know the priority of rescuing people before boats, and know how to cope even if the rescued crew are unable to assist. Steering a powerboat is a simple skill but manoeuvring a safety boat around a capsized dinghy with sailors in the water and ropes just under the surface requires considerable skill. As new types of boats and equipment are introduced, techniques of rescue have to change. The RYA, keen to encourage the new generation of dinghies, leads the world in providing advice to safety boat crews and has researched the difficulties caused when these craft invert following a capsize. Advice to safety boats is included in these pages and has been drawn on by the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) and the RNLI.
This book is a compilation of many years experience as well as recent research. Its authors Grahame Forshaw, Laurence West and David Ritchie each have a lifetime's experience as safety boat coxswains and instructors. They bring pragmatism and good sense to the subject and provide an invaluable reference to sailing schools, clubs and any other organisation providing safety cover to small craft.
air gaps
short tow
buoys, laying
dinghies, racing
inland location
see also dinghies, inverted: high performance tidal location
dinghies, righting, guiding principles
dinghies, single-handed canoe rescues
canoes, rafted
capsizes, multiple
short tow
casualties, confirming number
casualties, unconscious 8 DSC distress facility
casualty care
catamarans see multihulls education, outdoor
centreboard problems
engine, turning off
see also daggerboard, re-inserting engine check
checklist, on attending casualty
engine used as step
checklist, basic
entrapments, solving
dinghies, single-handed
cold, preventing casualty becoming
dinghy inverted, suspected communication
missing crew member
golden rules
inversions, preventing
hand signals
solo driver in safety boat
radios, VHF
equipment, personal
crew, safety boat equipment checks
clothing and equipment
number of
first aid
crew trapped under hull see entrapments, floats, mast-head
solving hand signals
daggerboard, reinserting
head counting
see also centreboard problems hypothermia, preventing
dams, concrete, recovering from
dinghies, double-handed injuries, preventing
see also engine, turning off recovering
inversions, preventing
crew able to assist
see also dinghies, inverted; multihulls, inverted depowering rig
towing the boat up
Jason's Cradle
dinghies, inverted
jib, uncleating
jib sheet
high performance
centre board leverage
kayak rescues
spinnaker, use of
capsized kayaker out of boat
spinning with power
curl' method
towing up
kayaker requiring assistance
with mast stuck on bottom
sea kayaks
paddle, using
kicking strap
kill cord
dinghies, Optimist-type
kite types for kitesurfing
kitesurfer rescues
racing dinghies
accident avoidance
see also dinghies, inverted: high performance approaching the casualty
radios, VHF
for injured rider
raft building
kites, abandoned
recovering people from water
kites, packing away
basic lift
engine as step
Jason's Cradle
Laser dinghies
laying marks see marks, laying RIBs (rigid inflatable boats), lee shore rescues
deflating sponson
rig, de-powering
lifting people from water righting a boat, after
see recovering people from water righting a boat, guiding principles
lookout, keeping 4 righting lines
mainsheet, uncleating
safety guidelines
signals, hand
marks, laying
spinnaker, using, to right dinghy
inland location
spinnakers, dropping
tidal location
springs (lines)
mast-head floats
steering check
mast stuck on bottom, inversions with
Mayday call
sun protection
multihulls surf, breaking, rescues in
survival bags
with mast stuck on bottom
pivoting in breeze
tide conditions
de-powering rig
guiding principles
single vessel
'mast flip
string of dinghies
towing up
Optimist-type dinghies
novice sailors
single-handed dinghies
Optimist-type dinghies
traveller, uncleating
short tow
unconscious casualties
orientating the capsized boat
outdoor education
weather conditions
Pico dinghies
windsurfing rescues
positioning safety boat
in high wind
problem-solving activities
simple recovery
prop, dangers of see engine, turning off

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