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RYA Tactics. Яхтенная тактика

Артикул: 00455263
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Автор: Mark Rushall
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-910017197
Год: 2019
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 272
Вес: 688 г
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Издание на английском языке
Sailing is one of the most complicated and challenging sports out there. There are so many attributes a good sailor needs to be successful at any level. One of the critical aspects to get your head around is the uncontrollables that are thrown at us consistently while we are racing -the changing weather and the other boats!
I have worked and sailed with Mark for almost 15 years, and his unwavering enthusiasm and passion towards learning and understanding sailing to a greater and greater degree is inspiring. It is certainly from Mark that I have developed the attitude that there is always something to learn in our incredible sport. No one race is the same, no one weather condition requires the exact same setup or technique, and nor is the same mindset and approach right for every race.

Key to Symbols Used in Illustrations
Parti: Setting the Scene
Introduction Why Bother With a Strategy?
Chapter 1 Natural Assets: The Strategic Tools Outlined
Chapter 2 Be Your Own 'Whether' Person
Chapter 3 The State of the Regatta: Objectives, Risks, and Rewards
Part 2: Before the Start
Introduction Pre-start Objectives
Chapter A Sorting the Priorities
Chapters Using the Race Compass
Case Study, Kiel Week, 420 Class
Chapter 6 The Pre-start
Part 3: The Race
Chapter 7 The Start
Chapter 8 The Beat
1 Tactical Priorities
2 Positioning as a Strategy
3 Three-hat Decision-making
Chapter The Windward Mark
Chapter 10 The Reaching Legs
Chapter 11 The Run
Chapter 12 The Leeward Mark
Chapter 13 Round the Cans: Special Tactics for Club Racing
Chapter 14 Tactics and Strategy at Speed
Chapter 15 The Next Rounds

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