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Go Sailing! Отправляйтесь в плавание!

Артикул: 00455258
в желания В наличии
Автор: Royal Yachting Association
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Southampton
ISBN: 978-1-905104-04-8
Год: 2005
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 84
Вес: 198 г
2200 P
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Книга на английском языке
have been sailing since I can remember, from the first time I went out on the water I loved every minute of it, there is no feeling like it on earth. I hope that this book will help you to understand sailing a little better and perhaps one day soon I will see you out on the water! I hope that you get as much enjoyment from reading this book as I have, I wish you good luck for the future and just go for it!

Foreword By Dame Ellen MacArthur
Chapter One
Where Do I Start?
Just add water
What is a dinghy?
Where do I learn?
What gear do I need?
Chapter Two
How Do I Learn the Ropes?
Sailing has its own language
When is a rope not a rope?
More about sails
Getting ready to launch
Into the water
Sailing from a mooring or pontoon
Chapter Three
How Does It AH Work?
How to steer the boat
Look at wind in a new way
Reaching up and down
Using the centreboard
How to balance the boat
Boat trim and the five principles
Chapter Four
How Do I Slow Down and Stop?
Keeping control
Approaching shore
How to pick up a mooring
Chapter Five
How Do I Choose A Boat?
How much will it cost?
Where can I keep her?
What type do I choose?
Where do I launch?
Chapter Six
How Do I Stay Safe?
Avoid that sinking feeling
How to avoid collisions
What if I capsize?
How to make a tow
Man Overboard!
What if the wind drops?
Independent sailing
How to call for help
Chapter Seven
What Else Do I Need To Know?
Weather basics
What about wind direction?
How do we measure wind strength?
What about tides?
Tidal flow
How do you stop in tidal waters?
Get knotted!
Look after your boat
Chapter Eight
What Next?
Sailing faster
Start racing!
Let's go exploring!
Go sailing!
Useful Websites

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