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RYA Go Cruising

Артикул: 00455256
в желания В наличии
Автор: Royal Yachting Association
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-1-905104-33-8
Год: 2006
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 112
1747 P
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Foreword by Tom Cunliffe
Watching my own child grow up as part of the team aboard my family cruising yacht has been one of the greatest delights of my life. Society is increasingly lacking in direct physical realities, and the adventures we have shared on the water have given us a sense of mutual history that holds us together in a way little else could.
Reading has always been a vital part of my daughter's on-board experience, from Where the Wild Things Are, she progressed through Swallows and Amazons to Hornblower and Conrad, but nothing was produced specifically for kids like her, acquiring the skills of living on board and becoming a useful crew. I've thoroughly enjoyed dipping into Claudia Myatt's earlier Illustrated books, but it's in Go Cruising! that she has really hit the spot for children like mine. The pictures are as friendly as ever, and the tiny figures asking those insistent questions tickle me to death, but what I admire most is the way she has tackled serious subjects such as Navigation and Rules of the Road. Capturing the interest of youthful minds in these areas is an achievement to be proud of. The result will be a generation of youngsters who can't wait to clamber on board. Their parents will have more fun, and families who are happy together at sea grow closer as the years pass.
Come to think of it, this is more than a children's book. For all its clever disguise, the technical content is so good I might just recommend it to some of my Yachtmaster candidates....

Foreword by Tom Cunliffe
What's what and who's who
AH kinds of cruisers
Below decks
What to take II
Stay safe
All about marinas
On deck
Getting on board
Below deck
Safety check
Cast off!
Coiling ropes
Chapter Three SET SAIL!
Hoisting the mainsail
Hoisting the jib
Winches and jammers
Wind power!
How sails work
Sailing upwind
Sailing downwind
Chapter Four TAKE THE HELM!
How to steer
Steering by compass
Steering under sail
Engine power
Chapter Five ALL AT SEA
Rules of the Road
Finding your way
Nothing to see but sea
Night Sailing
Staying safe
Preparing for bad weather
Stressed skippers, scary bits and seasickness
Passing the time
Chapter Six SEA SENSE
Weather Basics
Respect for the sea
Chapter Seven LAND HO!
Taking in sail
Coming alongside
Mooring and anchoring
Using the dinghy
Chapter Eight BAGGYWRINKLEs!
Interesting facts that don't fit in anywhere else in the book but are really useful to know....
Nauti Words Glossary
Useful Addresses and Websites

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