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Multihull Handbook for Cruisers. Справочник по многокорпусным судам для крейсеров

Артикул: 00269891
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Автор: Andrey Simpson
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-906435-42-4
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 104
Вес: 403 г
2010 P
1760 P
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Издание на английском языке.
Multihulls have come a long way since the sailors of the Indian and South Pacific Oceans came up with the cunning concept of lashing two canoes together in order to form a more stable platform on which to sail. If there is one common thread throughout the history of multihull sailing, however, it is that it has always been a lot of fun.
It is also fair to say that they have a fairly unique set of handling characteristics which you need to get your head around before you can fully enjoy these boats and the RYA Multihull Handbook is an excellent starting point for anyone wanting to get involved in this exhilarating form of the sport of sailing.
I myself have long been a convert to the benefits of two hulls as opposed to one, having owned a cruising cat for many years. I would have to say that I found Andrew Simpson's clear and concise guide a very useful and illuminating handbook.
Whether it's getting to grips with the very basics of multihull stability, right through to the fundamentals of handling a multihull under power or sail, this book has it covered. It is also really nice to read a book which tackles some of the skills that many of us cat sailors have had to learn through the old methods of trial and error and scratches and scrapes - I'm talking close quarters boat handling here.
On a more serious note, the pointers on handling a multihull in heavy weather and coping with capsize and man overboard are absolutely invaluable and mean that this authoritative text is an absolute must for any multihull sailor who is serious about heading offshore.
Enjoy this book and, in the meantime, I wish you fair winds and fast passages.

1. How it all began
2. Multihulls: getting to know them
Accommodation compared
How do they handle?
3. Some multihull maths
All are not equal
Submersible float trimarans
Stability in motion
Fast or furious
Hull shape
Prismatic coefficients
A weather eye on windage
Bridgedeck clearance
4. Rig and sails
Foils of wind and water
Fixed fins
Retractable daggerboards
Retractable plates
Aspect ratio
The long and the short and the tall
Hullo fathead
Rotating masts
5. Construction
Fibre reinforced plastics
Foam sandwich construction
6. Handling under sail
Winds of change Velocity made good (VMG)
VMG downwind
Tacking downwind
Starting with a reach
Hard as a tack
Backing the jib
The ideal downwind platform
Twin headsails
Slab reefing
Double line reefing
Single line reefing
7. Handling under power
Outboard motors
Inboard engines with steerage
Single inboard engine
Twin engines
Thinking things through
Dealing with downstream
Coming alongside
More on springs
Board drill
Alongside a tidal wall
Rafting up
8. Heavy weather tactics
Heavy weather sails
Uphill battles
Downwind dangers
Drogues and other drag devices
Reaching in the rough
Sea anchors
Jackstays and harnesses
Heaving to
9. Coping with capsize
Will she float?
Anticipating the wors
Life on the flip side
Emergency 'grab bag'
Suggested contents of a grab bag
Man overboard
Harnesses and lifejackets
Recovering the MOB
MOB recovery
Aftercare of the casualty
Fire extinguishers

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