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Skipper's outboard motor guide

Артикул: 00188631
в желания В наличии
Автор: Hans Donat
Издательство: Adlard Coles Nautical (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-1-4081-1418-6
Год: 2010
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 25
Вес: 61 г
1320 P
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Книга на английском языке.
In the same handy splash-proof format as the highly successful "Skipper's Cockpit Guide" and "Skipper's Onboard Emergency Guide", this "Skipper's Outboard Motor Guide" is a convenient lie-flat water (and oil) proof reference to all types of outboard engine. There is advice on how the engine works, show each part interacts, dos and don'ts, fault-finding and troubleshooting tests, all illustrated with detailed exploded diagrams to show how to fix problems. There is advice on: Oil systems, Cooling, Gears, Plugs and points, Circuits, and, Electronics. All in all, the "Skipper's Outboard Motor Guide" will be a godsend to anyone with an outboard motor on their boots or tender.

Introduction - general
Introduction - market overview
Buying - maintaining - driving
Air and fuel mix (two stroke/four stroke)
Mounting - trimming - propeller
Checks before starting
Starting the engine
Careand maintenance
Analyzing and repairing malfunctions
Engine doesn't start
Fuel systems
Spark plugs
Engine starts but doesn't run properly
ignition is irregular
Engine stalls when throttle is opened up
The cooling system
No cooling water
Propeller shaft defects
Filter maintenance
Power decreases suddenly
Power decreases gradually
Stationary revs/carburettor
Bad transition from stationary to higher revs
The tank lid
Engine stalls after short period of running
Engine smokes and runs irregularly
Propeller damage
Engine runs but boat doesn't reach hull speed
Boat doesn't reach maximum hull speed
Boat reaches hull speed but then engine revs increase without the boat accelerating
Emergency start
Emergency repairs
Adjusting steering resistance
Wrong RPM while stationary, or irregular running
Engine overboard
Power assessment

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