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The Barents sea. Ecosystem, resources, management. Баренцево море. Экосистема, ресурсы, управление (на английском языке)

Артикул: 00188914
в желания В наличии
Автор: Tore Jakobsen and Vladimir Ozhigin
Издательство: Tapir academic press (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Norwey
ISBN: 978-82-519-2545-7
Год: 2011
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 825
Вес: 2060 г
5000 P
С этим товаром покупают

1 Cooperation in marine research
1.1 A brief history of Russian-Norwegian cooperation in marine research
Arkady P. Alekseev, Asmund Bjordal, IngolfRottingen, Vyacheslav K. Zilanov and Mikhail S. Shevelev
2 The Barents Sea
2.1 Introduction to the Barents Sea
Vladimir K. Ozhigin, Randi B. Ingvaldsen, Harald Loeng, Vladimir D. Boitsov andAlexey L. Karsakov
3 Lower trophic levels
3.1 Hydrochemical conditions, primary production and phytoplankton
Oleg V Titov and Emma L. Orlova
3.2 Zooplankton
EmmaL. Orlova, Padmini Dalpadado, Tor Knutsen, Valentina N. Nesterova and Irina P. Prokopchuk
4 Benthos and shellfish
4.1 Benthos
Nataliya A. Anisimova, Lis Lindal Jorgensen, Pavel A. Lyubin and Igor E. Manushin
4.2 Red king crab
Mikhail A. Pinchukov and Jan H. Sundet
4.3 Snow crab
Valery A. Pavlov and Jan H. Sundet
4.4 Northern shrimp
Carsten Hvingel and Boris I. Berenboim
4.5 Iceland scallop
Jan H. Sundet and Petr N. Zolotarev
5 Fish
5.1 Main species and ecological importance
Andrey V Dolgov, Edda Johannesen and Age Hoines
5.2 Capelin
Harald Gjosater, Nikolay G. Ushakov and Dmitry V. Prozorkevich
5.3 Herring
Alexander I. Krysov and Ingolf Rottingen
5.4 Cod
Nataliya A. Yaragina, Asgeir Aglen and Konstantin M. Sokolov
5.5 Haddock
Alexey A. Russkikh and Gjert Endre Dingsor
5.6 Saithe
Sigbjern Mebl, Nataliya V. Zuykova and Konstantin V. Drevetnyak
5.7 Redfish
Kjell H. Nedreaas, Konstantin V. Drevetnyak and Benjamin Planque
5.8 Greenland halibut
Oleg V. Smirnov, Ole Thomas Albert and Age Hoines
5.9 Polar cod
Adnan Ajiad, Ivan A. Oganin and Harald Gjosxter
5.10 Wolfish
Mikhail S. Shevelev and Edda Johannesen
5.11 Long rough dab
Nataliya V. Dolgova and Ole Thomas Albert
5.12 Plaice
Valery G. Rudnev and Adnan Ajiad
5.13 Blue whiting
Sergey V. Belikov, Ivan A. Oganin and Age Hoines
5.14 Atlantic salmon
Martin A. Svenning and Sergey V. Prusov
6 Seabirds
6.1 Seabirds of the Barents Sea
Per Fauchald, Sergey V. Ziryanov, Igor V. Borkin, Hallvard Strom and Robert T. Barret
7 Marine mammals
7.1 Marine mammals of the Barents Sea
Tore Haug, Arne Bjerge, Nils 0ien and Sergey V. Ziryanov
8 Trophic relationships
8.1 An overview of trophic interactions in the Barents Sea
Andrey V. Dolgov, Bjarte Bogstad, Edda Johannesen and Mette Skern-Mauritzen
8.2 Planktivorous fish
Andrey V. Dolgov, Emma L. Orlova, Edda Johannesen, Bjarte Bogstad, Galina B. Rudneva, Padmini Dalpadado and Nina V. Mukhina
8.3 Benthivorous fish
Andrey V. Dolgov, Edda Johannesen and Bjarte Bogstad
8.4 Piscivorous fish
Audrey V. Dolgov, Emma L. Orlova, Edda Johannesen and Bjarte Bogstad
8.5. Predation by marine mammals
Tore Haug, Mette Skern-Mauritzen and UlfLindstrom
9 Fisheries and hunting in the Barents Sea
9.1 History of fisheries and hunting
Mikhail S. Shevelev, Knut Sunnana and Evgeny V. Gusev
9.2 Technical development
Alexander A. Pavlenko and Bjornar Isaksen
9.3. Development of management strategies
Evgeny A. Shamray and Knut Sunnana
10 Research Surveys
10.1 Ichthyoplankton surveys
Nina V. Mukhina and Bjornar Ellertsen
10.2 0-group surveys
Elena Eriksen and Dmitry V. Prozorkevich
10.3 Bottom trawl surveys
Michael Pennington, Mikhail S. Shevelev, Jon Helge Volstad and Odd Nakken
10.4 Acoustic sutveys
Asgeir Aglen and Evgeny N. Gavrilov
10.5 Marine mammal surveys
Tore Haug, Nils 0ien and Igor V. Golyak
10.6 The ecosystem survey
Erik Olsen, Kathrine Michalsen, Nikolay G. Ushakov and Vladimir B. Zabavnikov
10.7. Commercial data
Konstantin V. Drevetnyak, Kjell H. Nedreaas and Yevgeny A. Shamray
11 The Scientific basis for management
11.1 Stock assessment and management advice
Yury A. Kovalev and Bjarte Bogstad
12 Multispecies and ecosystem modelling
12.1 Multispecies and ecosystem modelling as tools for fishery management
Bjarte Bogstad and Anatoly A. Filin
13 Other economic activities
13.1 Oil and gas exploration
Mikhail A. Novikov, Oleg V. Titov and Erik Olsen
13.2 Shipping
Mikhail A. Novikov, Oleg V. Titov and Erik Olsen
13.3 Marine tourism
Konstantin M. Sokolov and Jon Helge Vhlstad
13.4 Aquaculture
Hans Nordgdrd, Kjetil Korsnes, Larisa I. Pestrikova and Stein Mortensen
13-5 Seaweed harvesting
Vitaly B. Matyushkin, Henning Steen and Konstantin M. Sokohv
13.6 Bioptospecting
Vyacheslav A. Mukhin, Kjersti Lie Gabrielsen and Sten-Ricbard Birkely
13.7 Balance of interests
Mikhail A. Novikov and Erik Olsen
14 Risk to the ecosystem
14.1 Pollution
Nataliya E Plotitsyna, Mikhail A. Novikov, Jarle Klungsoyr and Stepan Boitsov
14.2 Introduced species
Boris I. Berenhoim and Jan H. Sundet
14.3 Diseases and parasites
Andrey B. Karasev, Tatiana A. Karaseva and Egil Karlsbakk
14.4 The impact of fisheries on population dynamics
Nataliya A.Yaragina, Viktor L. Tretyak and Knut Sunnana
14.5 Impacts of bottom trawling on benthic habitats
Svein Lokkeborg and Jan Helge Fossa
14.6 Long-term effects on benthos of the use of bottom fishing gears
Pavel A. Lyubin, Nataliya A. Anisimova and Igor E. Manushin
15 Global warming and climate change
15.1 Climate impacts on the Barents Sea ecosystem
Ken Drinkwater, Harald Loeng Oleg V. Titov and
Vladimir D. Boitsov
16 Planning for the future
16.1 Future challenges in research and management
Ole Arve Misund, Yury M. Lepesevich and Anatoly A. Filin
The authors
List of species

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